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Page 3

  It was rough going through the session to be there for her client, but Sharon made it. She had a break in between and she was going to go for a run to clear her head. How stupid could she have been? All this time she had been telling her best friend she just tolerated Lance and Polly was probably going to Lance about it. As complicated as it was, the turn of events simplified everything.


  The beach sun was hot; the sky was clear and the breeze was such that everything blended together for the perfect temperate setting for a very long run. All the athletes wore as little as possible to run in the sun and Sharon was no exception. She meandered down to the beach and ran on a paved path that followed the shoreline in nothing more than the skimp of beach running clothes. About fifteen minutes into her run, she heard the one true sound of a Harley easily coming up behind her. Jason. Sharon stopped.

  "Are you okay?" He asked. His eyes danced all over her.

  She glanced as herself and guessed she couldn't blame him. All of her exposed skin was splotched with perspiration and grains of sand kicked up from her run. Save for a little bit of cover on her torso and the sparest of running skirts, she was bare-naked. His eyes grazed her nipples protruding through the fabric and appeared temporarily stunned. As was she. He was such a handsome man with his deep-set eyes lined with thick black lashes were as wide as the headlights on a truck.

  "What is it you’re wearing, exactly?" he demanded, not waiting for an answer as he gawked. "You seem to always have the hottest workout clothes on." She could hardly speak. All the drama of the morning was gone and all she wanted was to be having sex with him.

  "J-J-Jason— I'm—" she said, rubbing her thighs. Jason scouted the beach to note that it was completely vacant, as did she. Any berm, any grassy area, any cover or bluff and she was going to go for it.

  He slid off his helmet and took her face in his hands. His wet, soft mouth pressed against hers and tasted her. Sharon was pretty sure her moan filled the empty shore. He dismounted his bike and walked it with her down as the asphalt transitioned into decking. They rounded a grassy dune. He parked it and they virtually attacked each other in the tall grass.

  Jason tumbled with Sharon against a soft cradle of sand. The surf was quiet as the waves gently lapped the wet shore. The air was salty and soft as the water birds squawked in the background. His hands swept up the form fitting tank top of her outfit to expose her gym-honed body. He leaned down to kiss just beneath her breasts. When they were together before, their passion was always on the ready and Jason and she became very adept at making due with little privacy.

  "I need you," she said, kissing him and reaching between his legs to enjoy the sensation of his erection through his jeans.

  "Ohh," he sang, "Maybe I should give you want you need." Jason's big broad shoulders rose up over her and shaded Sharon's eyes from the sun as his hands continued skimming. His touch was warming her in ways the sun could not as he glided across the skin of her soft thighs, slightly grazing them with his rough fingertips.

  She arched towards him in response, offering herself to him. His fingers found the heat of her wet, delicate flesh beneath the lace of her thong (even for her workout she wore lingerie). When he slipped them inside of her, she reached down and pleasured herself.

  It had been some time since this had happened and Sharon climaxed quickly. As soon as she had peaked she slumped backwards against the berm, submitting to the pleasured waves that rippled through her body as Jason aggravated the sensitivity of her erogenous spots. He knew her body so well, but it was never routine. It was an amazing language that they shared.

  Lying tangled with one another; Sharon wrapped her legs around his splendid buttocks and encouraged him to roll under her. When she set sat up, she was straddling him. He was such a big bear of a man and she was so lanky and lean that she was light and fit atop him perfectly; it was comfortable for them both to have him support her.

  She honed in for a kiss. He tilted up to accept her, parted his mouth for her to impale with her ready tongue. She fed on him, licking the insides of his cheeks, stroking his tongue with hers. She broke apart, nestling her face in the crook of his neck as he unfastened the waist of his pants. Quickly he was inside of her.

  In the full light of the unfiltered sun, with civilization not too distant, before the great expanse of the ocean, they joined. Ten years melted away as though they had always been together; it had always been just the two of them. Sharon forgot how intensely every cell of her body craved every bit of him. When they were finally together that it was something that made her so intensely alive.

  Jason felt so amazing. Though bantam light, the weight of her body impaled his very rigid erection deep within her; he stroked her most sensitive, erogenous spots to transmit electric currents of sweetness throughout her.

  His large and powerful hands gripped her hips and rocked her fiercely on him, immediately launching them into orgasm mode. His brusque thrusts stroked her pleasure-saturated channel, bringing back to life her ebbing climax. Sharon came again. She pulsed around him as he pumped into the swollen heat of her body.

  They were both mewling and praying, loudly like the sand was on fire. They spasmed and writhed and jerked as their pleasure crested. Sharon's clothing was strewn about them as she collapsed in their waning bliss. Finally, after some time, he pressed a hand into her back.

  "I feel like I have waited a lifetime for this," he muttered.

  Sharon hesitated. A wave of anger arose and she was mad. She wanted to indict him for being at the wrong place at the wrong time; for doing whatever that ultimately got him arrested. She wanted to blame him for keeping them apart.

  Jason had always maintained his innocence in the act that got him busted, but admitted he wasn't a complete angel. Sharon let it go and wondered at the beautiful man that had just given her amazing sex once again. No one could do for her what this tall, dark, and intensely handsome and sensitive man did for her. Lance came to mind. She couldn't believe she ever gave her body to him. The average sex they had didn't seem to bother him at all but bothered her, even more so now. And while it was just one encounter, and Jason had just come back, she wondered what it all meant for her.

  "I think we should probably go back," she said quietly. "This has happened all very fast and I have clients today."

  Jason searched her face, which was a breath away from hers. Just a slight concession on both their parts and they would be kissing, but they simply gazed. Jason had the most amazing eyes Sharon had ever seen. So busy, with dark, long lashes around twinkling color. Jason checked his phone. "It's only been a few minutes, really. Is there a rush? I don't think we ever left each other after just once," he said sarcastically. "Unless you are accustomed to fucking and running." He paused, staring at her.

  "I am not sure that was called for," Sharon scolded him.

  "No it wasn't," he agreed. "I am just frustrated. I am trying to be a serene, patient man because I don't want to waste a second with you dealing with anything but us. But I am not patient. You were wrong when you said you weren't mine. You are mine." His words were overwhelming to her. He smiled and showed her some mercy. "Okay. Let's going take care of your clients."

  "They're fine thank you," she replied politely.

  She slowly, stiffly dismounted his generous lap and dressed. They walked up to the asphalt and climbed onto his Harley. Jason was riding down the street with her on the back, the breeze blowing their hair. There were very few people on the street, but Sharon knew it would be only short time until Lance Sanchez found out. They were back at Ink's in matter of minutes. Sharon had some time until her next session. She went into the women's locker room and drew a hot shower.

  As the water streamed and she was undressing, she checked herself out in the mirror. She posed, flexing in her underwear like it was a bikini. One thing was certain: she had a spectacular body. With a touch of sun on her skin and the afterglow of amazing sex, she thought she looked beautiful.

  But she was tired. She was overwhelmed with the events of the past few days and the prospect of days to come. Tears backed up behind her eyes. She wiped away the few that fell. She dropped her clothes and stepped into the steaming water, removed the head from the wall, and let the water flow all over her body. The small of her back that had been rubbed by the sand stung.

  She slinked against the shower wall and enjoyed the warmth. She fantasized Jason was in the stall with her. His handsome face above her, about to descend upon her in a kiss...

  ... And then he was.

  He had secured the locker room so that they were the only ones in the room. He removed his clothes and smiled, smoothed her hair back from her face to kiss her softly. The hot water cloaked their bodies entirely with all the soothing touches of a spa.

  She was overtaken by a sudden surge of wantonness. She utilized the shower’s body wash and soaped up his large, muscular chest before massaging her breasts into a glistening lather. He took the shower head and rinsed her before aiming it between her legs. He encouraged her to guide him to the spot where the pulsing water would give her the most pleasure.

  Sharon helped him along, wagging her fingertips quickly back and forth atop her slippery flesh. Jason's eyes were glued. He slipped his fingers into her, stroking her swollen walls until she peaked. Those first tremors and she called out, she was coming. He entered her, slipping into her with a full, hard cock. Sharon came on him, clenching with everything she had. Trembling and dizzied, overwhelmed with the sweet pleasured sensation of coming on him, Sharon struggled to rock up against him.

  As her orgasm ebbed and Jason was making his own climb, she found the footing to agitate him to his release. Finally, they found the strength to separate from each other—long enough to get some work done. Still, as she was trying to focus on the training sessions of her client, Sharon wondered if she and Jason could work together. They had had sex twice and already she craved more. Knowing he was just in the other room made the addiction intensely hard to resist.


  The Florida weather, like Sharon's life, changed just like that. It went from a sunny, gorgeous day to one with a sky of ominous storm clouds. Sharon was done for the day. To her great surprise, Lance Sanchez and two his guys from La Calle showed up in Ink's lobby to collect her. "Hi baby," Lance said, aggressively putting his hand behind the small of her back and drawing him to her. "Ready to go?"

  Sharon turned her head sharply. One of the La Calle chuckled. "I don't think she's ready, cap'n."

  "Shut your mouth," the third said.

  "I agree," Jason Larson said from behind the counter. "I don't think she wants to go. Do you want to go, Sharon?" Sharon was frozen with fear. If she involved Jason in any kind of altercation she could put his parole at risk.

  Lance smiled. "Looks like she's thinking about it to me. Maybe you intimidate her. Perhaps you should go back into your office."

  But Jason pushed. "Kind of hard to fit Sharon on the back of your bike if you got Polly already there, isn't it?"

  Lance glared as he tried to restrain himself. His guys warned Lance to shut up. As it threatened to escalate, Sharon quickly conceded. "I'll go. It's going to rain though. I don't like riding in the rain."

  "I'm not waiting here," Lance said. "The storm won't hit for another twenty minutes. We'll be at my place by then."

  "No," said Sharon. "I'll meet you at Lou's Blue's. Jason will take me. If you want to talk to me, we can talk there. Otherwise, you can say what you need to say right here."

  "I am a little confused," said Lance. "You and I are engaged. We had a little disagreement—"

  "Don't make me say it in front everyone," Sharon said.

  "Say what?" Lance replied, clearly challenging her.

  Jason answered for her. "That you got rough with a woman and you slept with her best friend."

  "You know, the first rule of personal business, Larson, is that we do it in private. This is a conversation between my woman and me about going home for the day. There was no need to drag out allegations in front of my men," said Lance.

  "First of all, Sanchez, she ain't your woman. She's mine. Polly is a beautiful woman and I am sure you two will be very happy." Jason smiled.

  Sharon shook. Through her fear she looked to Jason with intense adoration, as he stood up for her, the picture of a modern-day knight with his medium-length hair and rippling muscles. But still she was nervous for the situation.

  It was three against one—four if she counted Marty. Obviously she would throw in, but kind of help would she be? Why did Jason Larson pick this time to be the badass his reputation made him out to be? Apparently Lance had the same question.

  "Are you kidding me?" Lance asked. "How dumb are you? Do you think you can just come back here and have me hand her over? Do you think you can keep me from walking out with her right now?"

  Marty made an appearance from the free weights area. "Trouble boss?" he asked Lance.

  "Not when all of you leave," Jason said coolly. How could he possibly be so calm at a moment like this? Sharon wondered.

  And then a roar, just as the storm kicked up, filled the air. The rack of motorcycle engines bounced off the cement buildings of Ellis Road as a line of Rowdy Riders, led by Jason's new sergeant at arms, Apollo Nontas, filled the lot of Ink's Gym. The fear that Sharon felt was replaced instantly with pride. Without threat or violence in any way, Lance and his guys were put in their place.

  "We're leaving," Lance announced, and as he and his two men were exiting, Jason spoke up.

  "Wait a second, you forgot someone," he said. "Marty?"

  "What, are you firing me?" he asked.

  "I am. I think you and I have a conflict of interest, so if you don't mind, I think I would just as soon have you go. I will have your check and a severance later on this evening."

  Marty looked outside. The Rowdy Riders had made their way inside the gym in just the nick of time for the first crack of lightening showed. Lance and his guys ducked out to outride the storm. "You do see the storm that is upon us. At least let me wait until it passes."

  "It's not here yet," said Jason. "Hop on your bike. You ought to make it to Lou's with time to spare."

  "Fuck you Larson. Fuck you too, Sharon, you turncoat. Lance should have realized that if you would turn on your own so soon after your man gets sent up, that you would turn on him juust as fast. It's not like the rest of us couldn't see that coming."

  Jason came out from around the corner. Just the few the steps he took had Marty running outside of the gym. The Rowdy Riders burst in to laughter at the sight of the huge muscle man running like a scared rabbit. Jason turned and faced Sharon. He winked. "You okay?" She nodded. "You buy any of the trash he was talking?"

  "I don't know. A little," she said shaky.

  He tsked at her, giving her a look that made her want him bad. She needed to hook herself up with him for a weekend and wear themselves out. "None of that."

  Finally, she said it out loud. She voiced her greatest fear. "I don't want you to go to prison again!"

  Jason smiled and closed in the distance between them. "Where did you get an idea like that?"

  "Your parole?" she said, feeling as though she would dissolve into tears at any moment. Thunder rumbled and the first rush of rain fell.

  "I think it's about time you and I had a little talk about how all that works," he said to her, then turned his attention to his men. "Anybody who wants to go to dinner after the storm passes, let's do it. I'm going to talk to Sharon for a little bit. Apollo, watch the place."

  Jason took Sharon by the hand towards the locker rooms and up the backstairs to an apartment over the gym. It had been Darryl Hayne's primary residence before he died. Sharon was pretty sure no one had been in there since, yet when they went in, it looked very different. Jason responded to the look on her face.

  "I had it painted, and a few things moved out. Not much," he said.

  He then gently but firmly took command of h
er body. He pushed her on to the sofa and opened her legs. "Now what's this I hear that you are afraid?" He looked to her as he sank to his knees. He reached under her skirt and slid her panties off of her hips. Immediately her insides went molten. He kissed on her thigh, then the other, before his hot mouth found her center. His tongue darted in and out of her. Sharon came to life, aching immediately in spots that needed a different part of him to penetrate her.

  He kissed her inner thighs again before setting back on his haunches. He pulled off his crew neck sweater to reveal a broad and powerful chest. They gazed at one another. Sharon was pretty certain.

  There was no use in denying it: she was completely in love with him. He was absolutely magnificent. She raised her shirt from her body and lay naked against the plush fabric of the sofa. Jason never took his eyes off of her.